Are you fulfilled?

14th July 2023 | 2 min read

I love sharing my health and well-being knowledge whether that be with new enquiries, personal training clients, or members of The Reviva Collective. What’s even more rewarding is when I share wins from personal experience.

The Reviva Collective is an online community with the aim of bringing women together to learn, share and support each other during the tricky midlife years when hormone levels are fluctuating. It is built up on trying to get balance in the following areas of life:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Physical fitness
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Self-confidence
  • Sleep
  • Self-care
  • Social

I am in a regular habit now, of starting my day with exercise, which can be any one of the following, run, kettlebell circuit, mobility and stretch session, or HIT workout. This gets the day off to a great start, and during the summer, an ideal time to exercise before the temperature gets too hot. I also like to walk or cycle wherever possible, this not only helps with my fitness but saves fuel as well, a win-win situation.

This weekend, my son and I biked a couple of miles to spend the afternoon with friends, mum’s that I met when my son was at primary school. Children and adults continue to enjoy each other’s company, nine years since we initially all got to know each other.

I woke up the following morning, full of positive expectations and the knowledge that my cup had been refilled, having ticked off two areas on the Reviva Lifewheel.

Do you feel that your life is in balance? Are there areas that are working well for you, but perhaps others that require you to be more mindful of.

Let’s chat and see if I can offer you some suggestions on living a happier and healthier life.

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