
14th July 2023 | 1 min read

she believed she could

When I first launched my business 9 years ago, following the birth of my daughter, my focus was very much on new Mum’s. I taught two Buggy Fitness classes each week and am pleased to say that some of the Mum’s who came to the very first course are still meeting up regularly. The aim of these courses is obviously exercise to get back in shape post-baby, but networking and support features heavily as well.

Having turned 40 last year, I naturally find myself thinking about the future and ensuring that I continue to stay “young” for many years to come. Entering the arena where the word menopause becomes more prevalent can be scary for some, hot sweats; lack of energy; thinning hair; dry skin are just some of the things to look forward to – believe me the list can go on but it won’t. It doesn’t have to be this way though and rather than dreading these years, now (if you are peri-menopausal) is the time to embrace this time with good nutrition, regular exercise and plenty of “me” time therefore preparing you for an easy menopause which you can breeze through.

I am so looking forward to working with ladies who are at this stage and helping them find their vitality and regain a spring in their step!

If this is you, please get in touch.



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