Why I Started My Fitness Blog | Mutha Fitness

14th July 2023 | 4 min read

If you’ve read my About page, then you will know that the main reason for starting this blog was to track my fitness and weight loss journey. It was to document the highs and lows and all that was involved with it, both to allow me to muse through the transformation and to allow others to see the honest effort and focus it took. Along the way, I have built a range of related topics around questions I asked myself and that others have asked me.

Why the blog continues to be useful

Mutha Fitness continues to be a well-read UK fitness blog, which means the efforts I put into the site remain helpful. Though I realised this may happen, I had not believed my blog, which I started in 2016, would still be helping readers 7 years on.

I have toiled with the demands of work, family life and keeping it going. However, I have because I hope that it continues to support others through moments in their lives. I add to it from time to time with topics that fit my core categories.

Why do topics matter?

The main catagories on my blog are all perfectly aligned with my fitness and weight loss and some of the other important lifestyle interests. Categories matter because they allow me to write on subjects that interest me and that are important to other readers.

Beauty – I enjoyed being able to write about some funny items, wedding legs, makeup regimes and then a reflection on stretch marks. However, these are real topics, and they are there to help.

Family – Moments that I have shared, which the kids will be able to remember through images. Whether it eas considering what type of mum I am to school holiday activities, as my children get older, the topics are developing.

Health  – This is the topic I wrote on around sleep, safety and well-being. I have some great articles in this category. There are some overlaps with fitness, so if you’re interested, take a look.

Fitness  – This is my major topic. It covers activity suggestions, yoga, motivation, and some lifestyle tips for keeping fit. This is a strong category on my blog. If you are looking for any of the fitness equipment used in my blogs, consider browsing Mirafit Equipment.

Nutrition  – This category allowed me to explore food, the importance of nutrition and some healthy snacks. Some of these are surprising, others are obvious, but neither.

Recipes  – Following on from nutrition, recipes were a naturally aligned topic, and people kept asking me about some of the snacks. I also really enjoyed taking photos of the food.

Reviews – As the blog started to take off and I was able to have more pull, both as a blogger and as a fitness writer. I was invited to review more items, be it clothing to health spas. I love to write reviews, and we’ve reviewed some great places for relaxation and taking your kids.

Weight Loss – My primary motivation, I discuss the myths of weight loss and important weight loss topics, such as maintenance, breaks, boot camps and more. If you are trying to lose weight, consider these blogs, they will help.

How can a fitness blog help others?

A fitness blog is a great place to read about things that affect normal people like you and me. My blog covers an extensive range of topics and issues that affect many of us, and sometimes you just need reassurance or to know others are or have been through the same.

How my fitness blog has helped me

There is one article that was difficult to write and helped me when things were really bleak. Paul my husband lost his dad and I lost my father-in-law. It was sudden. I found it difficult to write and it took the wind out of our sales for a while. But this is also why I created the blog, to help others and myself. Being able to write helped me process and grieve. My account of this time is at least helpful to others who may be going through a similar experience. It helped me to realise that time is precious and not a given.

Final thoughts

If you are looking for a great Fitness Blog UK, then bookmark us and recommend us to friends. If you would like me to cover any new topics or questions, drop me an email through the contact form on the website and I will be sure to pick it up. I have created content for many years to help and guide my readers.

Thank you,


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