A Beautiful Reminder

14th July 2023 | 2 min read

I saw something recently online and it said ‘for every woman unhappy with her stretch marks, is a woman who wishes she had them’ This really resonated with me as I love being a mother! But I also have stretch marks. They’ve faded over time but they’re still there. I don’t linger too long over them when I look in the mirror, usually because I am picking fault with too many other things, as us women (and I’m sure men) do. But are they unsightly or in fact a beautiful sight?

Having children certainly sends your body through a whole host of weird and wonderful things that you seriously couldn’t even begin to imagine when you start planning that first baby. I was always prone to stretch marks, even as I grew from teen girl to woman all those years ago! Nothing quite in the same ballpark as those that appear on a very pregnant belly though. By the end of my pregnancy with my son, my first born, the stretch marks were like angry purple and red lines that ran from my pelvis up to my belly button. Like I say, they have faded drastically over time and are now only pale lines.

Vitality Move Chatsworth

I know from speaking to fellow Mums that we quite often, openly say, having children has wrecked our bodies. I’m not sure this is strictly true but I know pelvic floor exercises post pregnancy are essential if you want to ever be able to jump on a trampoline again! I’ve also heard some great boob descriptions over the years, spaniel’s lugs (ears), wombles’ nose, used teabags, All so flattering. I’d love to hear if you have any other funny ones! But why do we beat ourselves up like this. Our bodies have done a wonderful thing. We’ve grown actual human beings inside of our bodies and then either managed to push them out through the smallest hole possible or had major abdominal surgery to get them out! We are truly amazing.

Now imagine those women who would love to have children but are never able to. They would love to have silver stretch marks running up their tummies or an abdominal scar from a c-section and even boobs like spaniel’s lugs, if it meant they could experience the wonder of growing a baby and bringing a child into this world. Let’s all take a minute and just remember how bloody amazing childbirth is and see our stretch marks and war wounds as a beautiful reminder of how wonderful mother nature is.


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