This weekend, Patty and I visited City Gallery Wellington to look at the really cool exhibit they currently have on. I’ve always liked going to this museum. It used to be just next door to my old work building, so I spent many lunch times in here, just walking around, looking at art and watching video installations.
City Gallery Wellington is not as large as Te Papa, but most of the exhibits they hold are really interesting and thought-provoking.
By chance, I saw an Instagram post about this exhibit using glitter as a medium. Patty is very interested in drawing, painting and art, so I thought she would enjoy viewing these pieces by Robert Paterson.
Her face lit up when she entered the space and saw ALL THE GLITTERS! She didn’t mind stopping and really looking at the things. I had to remind her not to touch the paintings, she wanted to feel the glitters on the canvas!
She was also fascinated by the pieces in this space that seems quite mystical. Though she did ask “why don’t the people have clothes, Mummy”?
The Sour Grapes exhibit, I’m sure, holds some deeper philosophical message, but to Patty, her only comment was : “I can paint grapes in different colours, Mummy!”
So friends, if ever you’re in Wellington and think you’ve run out of places to go, visit City Gallery Wellington. It’s a good spot for both grown ups and kids to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Check out the City Gallery Wellington website for the latest exhibits and activities.