17th August 2024 | 2 min read

If you've made it over to my blog somehow, then welcome! I used to run another blog, but I haven't used that in about two years so I decided to begin again with a fresh start. A brief summary of what to expect from this blog, it's going to be about fashion, beauty, skincare and design. However, everything featured on this blog will be cruelty-free, ethically sourced, eco-friendly etc.

If you're a vintage clothes fiend, trying the cruelty-free life, or just trying to be a little friendlier to the earth, then this is a great place to start. This is a place free of judgement and will follow my explorations into trying to become more cruelty-free and ethical and providing you all with my best finds.

This all began when I decided to make more conscious decisions with my money and to vote with my money. I believe the responsibility falls on corporations to stop testing on animals, rather than the consumers to stop buying. I simply made the choice because I didn't like giving my money to companies who use unethical practices, but at the same time I slip up too. It's tough keeping track of all the companies who do or don't test, so I decided this blog could be a handy guide for those of you looking to make the change. But if you're not becoming cruelty-free, then just consider this a regular fashion and beauty blog.

I am not vegetarian or vegan, although I do hope to be one day, so I'm not claiming to be completely ethically sound or all-knowing. Think of this as a resource. I know when I first started to become cruelty-free it takes a lot of research as there isn't a huge amount of information out there and when you're just trying to manage the more important shit in your life, you don't have time to be googling every brand in the drug store.

There are quite a few American cruelty-free blogs, however I haven't seen many prominent European ones, let alone Irish. I will be covering brands worldwide not just Irish ones, but this blog will put the spotlight on many homegrown brands too as it's great to support local too.

Anyway, this is the abrupt end to my incoherent rambling introductory post. If by chance you have found your way here before I've posted anything new, please feel free to leave a comment expressing any content you would like to see.

Thanks for reading!

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