Quick Mood Boosters: Simple Actions to Brighten Your Day

10th August 2024 | 6 min read

Ever have one of those days where everything feels a bit off? Maybe work threw a curveball your way or you just received some less-than-stellar news. We’ve all been there, caught in the whirlwind of life’s ups and downs.

But here’s the good news: while cultivating healthy habits over time is key to long-term happiness, sometimes you just need a quick boost to turn things around. These little “pick-me-ups” are perfect for those moments when you need an instant mood lift. They’re quick, easy, and designed to bring a smile to your face in just a few minutes.

I’ve been through this myself. When I found myself in a funk, I decided to try something new and signed up for pottery classes. Getting my hands dirty and creating something tangible was incredibly therapeutic. Each session allowed me to focus on the present moment and express myself creatively. Additionally, I started volunteering in my community, which gave me a sense of purpose and connection. Helping others and being part of something bigger than myself brought a fresh perspective and renewed energy. These experiences taught me that stepping out of my comfort zone and giving back can be powerful tools for lifting my spirits.

So, dive into this list and commit to trying one or more of these mood-boosting actions. You’ll be amazed at how a small, simple step can turn things around. Whether you pick a number at random or choose the idea that speaks to you most, get ready to feel the positive vibes flowing!

1. Connect with Others

   – Text an old friend about one of your favorite shared memories.

   – Give someone a compliment! Their appreciation will make both of you feel good, and they may throw a flattering return compliment your way, too.

   – Send someone well wishes for the day or the weekend. Simply doing so can reduce your anxiety and boost happiness.

   – Volunteer, donate, or simply lend a hand to someone in need.

   – Hug a friend or partner for five to 10 seconds. Trust us, it works!

2. Engage in Kindness

   – Do a random act of kindness for someone to generate feelings of happiness and fulfillment.

   – Buy yourself a beverage you love and pay it forward to the person behind you in line.

   – Open up a door for someone and give ‘em a big smile.

   – Donate to a good cause. Find an organization or non-profit that resonates with you and donate what you can. Even $5 can go a long way!

3. Enjoy Nature

   – Step outside and go for a quick walk. You’ll get bonus points in your mood-boost if it’s a particularly sunny day.

   – Watch the sunset or sunrise to appreciate the beauty of nature. Notice how the sky changes colors in a matter of minutes.

   – Put on calming nature sounds and listen attentively (or passively!) for as long as you’d like.

   – Sniff a calming scent like lavender or citrus for a little aromatherapy relaxation action.

4. Engage with Media

   – Open YouTube. Type “cute [insert your favorite animal here] videos.”

   – Put on your current favorite song, and let it wash over you! My go-to mood boosting tune is Hello, by Martin Solvig.

   – Open up a book and get reading. This can help clear your mind while directing your focus to something new.

5. Self-Care and Relaxation

   – Pour yourself a nice cup of herbal tea, holding it closely in your hands and savoring the taste and smell.

   – Draw yourself a warm bath and soak away your worries. Put on a candle or diffuser, some light music, and enjoy.

   – Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers and keep them on your desk or somewhere you see often. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive—simply bringing the outdoors in and treating yourself to something nice can help perk you up.

6. Pets and Play

   – Play with your pets. Research has found that simply snuggling, playing, and petting our pets can trigger endorphins and improve our mood!

7. Creativity and Planning

   – Designate some time to get creative via painting, writing, cooking, or similar. Creative activities allow us to tap into self-expression, work through thoughts, and clear our minds.

   – Plan something fun for the weekend so you can have something to look forward to in the days to come!

8. Miscellaneous

   – Spend a few minutes organizing the space immediately around you. Toss any trash and put away items you don’t need. A cleaner space will lift your mood.

   – Visit a local coffee shop, bookstore, flower shop, or boutique that you’ve wanted to check out for a while. Snap a picture and share it with friends.

   – Remind yourself that at this moment—even if you’re feeling anxious, scared, or worried—the feeling will pass, and you’ll come through on the other side.

Go ahead and try out a few of these mood-boosting tricks! Whether you’re texting a friend, taking a quick walk, or cuddling with your pet, remember that even the smallest actions can make a big difference. 🌟😊

💙 Robyn

Interested in a one-on-one health coaching relationship with me? It would be an honor to work with you if and when the time feels right.

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